Hello everyone, we hope all of the children had a lovely and well deserved Easter break!!
Lifesavers will return on Tuesday the 23rd of April. There will be 10 sessions from the 23rd of April through to the 25th of June which will bring us to our end of school summer inflatable fun session on the 25th of June.
The fees for this period will be £15 per child.
Please ensure the fees are paid before your child enters the pool on the 23rd of April.
Payments should be made into the lifesavers bank account:
Account Number: 00786874
Sort code: 80-17-99
Please ensure you put your child’s name as reference in your payment.
If you are having any difficulties making the payment please get in touch with us asap by email or on messenger. If there are any children that no longer want to attend lessons please let us know so we can allow another child to take their place. We have a very long waiting list and we are trying our best to move children up to make space for new starts.
Thanks Lifesavers Team